May 7, 2011

A Series of Failed Occupations: Careers That Never Took Off (Part Three)

PART THREE: Archaeologist


The regular kid won't really prefer to go for archaeology. But that doesn't mean only a history buff will. Anyone who's obsessed with finding out 'secrets' about the past and discovering new things could well like it. (Did that just sound like a bunch of teenage girls?)

Anyway, at any age, here are archaeology's expectations:

The dinosaur remains is the ultimate dream.

Realistic Expectations

By this time, out prodigy has discovered that this isn't as simple as it appears. It requires top grades, tons of skill, and horrendously tough endurance. So he resigns himself to:

The fact that a job like this may not exist shows the youngster's motivation and desperation to get into the field.


There's the exciting prospect of adventure never experienced before. It's not the money here; it's the inviting lure of nature's innards. The fame that may (should) go with it is another piece altogether, but nothing beats the thrill of a hot desert sun. (For some reason, it's always a hot desert sun. Never a pleasant autumn.)

What Does It

Now, our protege has become old enough to be adept with computers. He learns that the job requirements do not exactly fill his criteria, meaning he would most likely be ending up as a:



Yeah, that does it.

Dream Crash-Landed In...

An upper limit of ten years.

Last Resort

Convince yourself that dinosaurs are eggheads anyway; who'd want to be excited looking for a peripherally dumb mutant who couldn't even foresee an asteroid?

Verdict: Makes you get down in the dirt and enjoy it too!

Read Part Two: Artist)


  1. Wow! :D

    What's next, now? President?


    PS: This is definitely much better than Professional Help. :)

    Your getting more mature as a writer... ;)

  2. President? Never. Never. Did I mention 'never'?
    Nothing's next. That was it. Three parts. ;)

    Thank you. I myself think it is. :)
