November 29, 2011

Shopping: The Curse of the Intelligent Classes

Of course, I made it sound a lot more impolite.

It's an activity that I try my best to stay away from as far as possible. The reason for my grouse is this:
Whenever old or current (female) friends decide to meet up for a quick get-together, this is almost always the situation:

And so it is. I am mysteriously busy every time they make plans.
I choose to generally answer with: 'I need to water the cat, and feed the plants -- yes!'
And my mix-up is not met by any blank stares or questioning glances, because they know in a way that I despise this single activity that has the XX chromosomes reuniting all over the world.

After a day or two I see Facebook status updates along the lines of:
'Oh my God, so much fun on Saturday with X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H! We spent an hour trying to find THAT perfect shade of lipstick to go with my new sweater! Lololol. Priyanka, better luck next time!'

November 13, 2011

Throwing Subtlety Out of the Window

There. I'm experimenting with some new templates to... er, snazz it up, as teenagers say today. For a long time the blog's been looking like the insides of a brain-dead surgeon's -- well -- brain. Now, however, it screams out at me. In a nice way.

Who doesn't like being screamed at in a nice way?

Edit: I think I'll keep changing the theme often. That way I won't get bored and will actually feel like reading my own stuff!

November 3, 2011

Like, Like Like?

'Like' is not only a Facebook expression. It is a demonic proposition.

Gone are the days I used to associate unnecessary usage of the word like with Shaggy from the Scooby Doo series. No, now the matter has gone out of hand.

This is the new buzzword. Now adolescents get judged on the basis of the number of likes they can effectively use in a sentence. Since I cannot succeed at this, I am admittedly uncool.

But I like being uncool (the other like). It's not promising that a whole new generation is being raised solely on alcohol, hormones, and likes.

There should really be a decree forbidding usage of the word.

Perhaps we can also let loose a pack of termites into the ear of the rule-breaker. Or ants, really. It doesn't matter. All we need is a complete ban of the four most hateful letters composed by man.

As long as there is (sigh) peace of mind.