I'm here to *ahem* advertise a towel. No? Who'd pay me? Why would I? Well, here's the deal: it's a nicely multipurpose towel, and here's why....
a) The towel is handy for any mutant fight, be it a physical tussle or mental:
i) For a physical tussle, the thick fibres of this Turkish towel withstand any amount of force -- pulling or flinging -- which is within 1750 Newtons.
ii) For a mental battle, draping this towel like a shawl over your shoulders exudes considerable amounts of charisma, wit, and logic.
b) The towel protects you from mishappenings or confrontational events: Whenever faced with a situation, cover your head with the towel, such that your whole face is covered. Since your brain does not register what it does not (and cannot) see, you will be safe.
c) This particular towel is, if you noticed, slightly thicker on the edges. The reason this is so is because there are health capsules and drinks hidden around the perimeter, and each serves a different purpose. All you have to do is gnaw it off at the right spot (explained in detail in the manual).
The post is dedicated to Douglas Adams.
d) The material is soft and fun and does not tickle, so there is no reason why you shouldn't have it.
(No guinea pigs or humans were harmed in the making of this towel. All said they enjoyed the experience.)
Happy Towel Day to anybody who cares and/or understands. (I'm a day too late.)
The post is dedicated to Douglas Adams.