There has been a tiny option on the Google page that I've been using for far too long. Next to the search bar, there's 'Advanced search' in minuscule font, as if it wants to be missed. Shoddy.
Now, the reason I do this is to get an idea of the complexity of language I use for my blog.
This is what it gives me:
This means almost all the people who read (and understand) my blog are smarty-pants (language-wise, at least).
Also, notice that site called 'Turbulence Ahead' at the bottom?
I should have rechecked thoroughly before naming...
I better start raking in more 'basic'. An alternative good way to have begun this post:
'There has been a small option on the Google page that I have been utilising for a very long time. It's just next to the search bar, in absurdly tiny font so as to make the average eyes skip over it completely.'
Oh, wait...
PS: I understand this is option is for all the results bearing these three words, but it's just a qualitative, fun review of what it could be had I not known what it really shows.