September 7, 2011

Follow Me...

No, by 'follow me' I don't mean for you to follow my path of laziness. I mean for you to follow my blog. You see, I want to be a writer, and a supermarvellousamazing one at that. I don't want to be a ruddy journalist, or work in advertising, or be a news reporter. I want the real deal (yes, you may say I'm a dreamer).

For that, I need to be famous on the Internet. Okay, okay. I know it's as far-fetched as the idea of someone idolising George Bush. (It may be easier to revere a plank of wood.) But I need a decent bit of followers.

However, you only need follow if:

a) You visit the blog often and seem to like it, or

b) You visit the blog often and don't understand a thing, which well means I'm smarter than you by a long shot, or

c) You visit the blog often and think I'm absolutely bonkers.

There you go.

And now, as reward, I give you:

Lentil cappucino.



  1. hey...

    it's top class!

    when's your first book being published?

    i'm surprised you don't have many followers!

    never thought even girls have a sense of humour ;) (sorry!)

  2. and yeah!

    the new subheading's catchy!

    this is one of the few GOOD blogs dedicatef to humour i've seen :)

    how old are you?

  3. Book? I wish. :D

    That's the issue, mainly; even though people read the blog, it will take some prodding to get more followers.

    Thank you. :)

    Old? Not much. Still in college, though I doubt the posts convey that. :D
